Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Messy Desk

I don't know if this is a "good" photograph or not, but I had fun making it. I had the idea of photographing my messy desk, because I wanted to post a picture that gave a little more information about me and my life than I think my pictures often give. At first what I had in mind was a straight-on shot that showed the top of my desk and the hutch. I took some pictures like that and looked at them on the computer. During my first year with this blog I usually ended up doing a quick shoot like this, then just picking the best one, posting it and being done for the day. But today I decided I wasn't done.

So I put the data card back in the camera and kept shooting. I tried changing the position of the camera, changed the lighting, adjusted the aperture and ISO, moved some things out of the picture, moved some things back in. I ended up taking about 35 pictures of my desk.

I'm still not sure this is the best picture I could have made. I wanted it to express something, but I'm not sure what, and I'm not sure if I succeeded. But I'm glad I kept trying. This picture is definitely better than the first 30 or so that I took.

I wish I could take the time to make pictures every day like I did today. I feel like I learned a lot, and I'm eager to do it again. I know that in the coming months I will probably end up with a lot of 11:00-and-I-forgot-to-take-a-picture pictures, but I hope to have more like this one than I did in my first year.

What do you think of this picture? Does the effort I put in come through? Do you think it expresses something?


Sarah Jane said...

I don't know what feeling you were trying to express. This picture makes me think "ugh. Bills."

Eric Chen said...

left handed MOUSE?!?! WHOA! i'm not nearly as left handed as you are. i use the mouse with my right hand :)

Julie Longacre said...

i like this one, mindy! i like the angles and the black and white. there's something that makes me feel like i'm right there - the open chair, the post its... and is that one of isaac's toys in the foreground? also telling. :) so glad you're posting again! even the last minute ones i really enjoy - like blue and gray. have a great weekend, julie

Lynne said...

I think the angle you used in this photo is good. Of course I didn't see any of the other ones... it would be interesting to see the progression of the others you took.