Friday, February 5, 2010


First off, I am kind of disappointed that I've already had my first day where I forgot to not only post, but even take any pictures. :( I was so busy getting ready for Isaac's first birthday party (which is tonight), that photography pretty much slipped my mind.

But, as I did before with my first year of pictures (during which, by the way, it was several months before I forgot to post...), I will make up for it with two shoots today.

This first picture looks to me like clouds seen from an airplane when you're flying above them. But, it is actually the new bathmat in my bathroom, taken with Mark's Konica Minolta on its supermacro setting, with a little camera movement just to see what would happen. I think I like it...

Also, I'm going to start trying to include camera information for my pictures in each post. Picasa now displays some metadata with each picture, and I think paying more attention to this will improve my photography. Here's the info for this shot:

Camera: Konica Minolta DiMage Z6
ISO 160
Focal Length: 10.3mm (35mm equiv. 62mm)

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Don't be disappointed, the birthday party is important ;) See you tonight!!!